Water pollution paragraph for class 6 to 12

Water pollution paragraph

Water pollution paragraph is important for candidates of Class six to hon’s. They should be memorized water pollution paragraph. air pollution paragraph is written by the paragraphsbd.com and it will help you to make a brilliant result in competitive examinations in future.

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Water pollution paragraph for class 6 to 8 in 150 words: 

Water is very important element of human life and environment. We cannot imagine our existence on earth without water. The another name of water is life. That is why to live in the earth water is compulsory for us .There is no any animal that they do not drink water. Clean water is healthful and essential for us but polluted water is very harmful and injurious to our good health. 

Nowadays, water pollution is one of the serious problem that human face regularly in our society. Water pollution refers to the contamination of water by by filth, waste or other substances in water in our country. It can be polluted in many ways such as water is polluted by using chemical fertilizer and various insecticides in the land when they are washed away by rain or flood. Mill and factories show their waste products in to the rivers and canals thus pollute water. Again motor launches, steamers pollute water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste. 

Another aspect of water pollution is underground water by arsenic. By drinking this polluted water, we often get sick and many even die. So, we must prevent water pollution at any cost. Water can be purified by boiling it and using purifying tablets in water. All the concerned must be conscious to keep water free from pollution. We avoid the throwing of rubbish on water but instead of throwing in water we should keep them underground anyhow. Besides, we have remain free from using insecticides and chemical fertilizer in the land. 

The Government should take comprehensive programmes to check water pollution in total environment. Above all, for a healthier, secure and a happier prosperous life, we should be much careful about water pollution and a massive awareness must be created against water pollution in our country as soon as possible. 

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Water pollution paragraph for class SSC in 200 words: 

The pollution refers to the contamination of something that makes it harmful for human health and unsuitable to be used. Water pollution means making water harmful and contaminated by throwing waste, filth, etc. into it. The another name of water is life it is our life – savior. Water is used not only for drinking purpose but also for household works, agriculture and industrial works in our daily life. 

We cannot think of our existence on earth for a moment without drinking water. Water is essential for our life. But water is polluted in many ways in our country every day. Only human beings are mostly responsible for it in our social life. Man pollutes water by throwing waste into it and making unsanitary latrines by the bank of the rivers or canals. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in their fields. 

These are washed away by flood or rain water and pollute the nearby rivers, canals and ponds water regularly in our daily life. Mills and factories throw their wastes and poisonous chemicals into rivers and pollute the water. Steamers, launches even sail boats can polluted water by throwing burning oil, food waste and human waste into the rivers and canals. By drinking polluted water we become ill. Cholera, typhoid, dysentery and other water – borne diseases attack us greatly if we drink polluted water in our daily life. 

All the fishes die, even farming becomes impossible in severely in polluted water. We can prevent water pollution by careful waste management in our country strongly. Farmers should use organic fertilizer  instead of chemical fertilizer in the crop fields.In addiction it can be told that water is life and life is water so the Government and all classes of people of our country be much conscious about water pollution in our daily life and we have to keep it free from pollution in our day to day life.

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Water pollution paragraph for class HSC in 250 words: 

Water is main element of human life and the natural environment. We cannot believe of our existence on earth for a moment without drinking water.There is no insects in the earth that it does not drink water for living in the world. The another name of water is life and we can not pass a single moment without drinking water in our daily life. We use water in washing, bathing and in agriculture sectors in our daily life. 

During the time of cultivating the lands and growing crops in the field we need water very much. Bangladesh is an agro – based country, our cultivation will be hampered by without water in the fields. Again during the time of fishering we need more water because without water it is quite impossible to fishering  in the ponds or haors. But we are polluting in many ways in our country. Human waste in water to throw filth, rubbish and garbage things on water. All the farmers use insecticides and chemical fertilizer in the crops fields. 

All the mill and factories are throwing their wastes in water regularly. The steamers, launches and sail boats are polluting water to emit their burning oil in water. Moreover, water is most basic components of our natural environment. If we polluted water, we will cannot live with safe and sound in our daily life. When we drink polluted water the various kinds of fatal diseases are come out and they are diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid and many others water – borne diseases in daily life.

Besides, if we want remain safe we have to drink pure and unpolluted water in our daily life. If we cannot control the water pollution, we have to face a great danger in our life so the Government and all conscious people should take necessary steps to check water pollution from our country as soon as possible and then we will can to lead a safe and sound life in our future.

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Water pollution paragraph for class Degree (pass) & Hon’s in 350 words: 

water is a vital component of our natural environment. We cannot imagine our existence on earth without water. Water fulfill the thirsty of our drinking. Every man and animal drinks water. There are no insects that do not drink water. We get water from the rain and tubewell or to dig a deep hole underground. The other name of water is life. We use water in washing, bathing, cooking and in agriculture in our country. Our country is an agro – based country and it is quite impossible to grow crops without water. 

During the time we cultivate the lands we need more water in the land. We cannot cultivate a fishery without more water. Clean and fresh water is essential for our good health but polluted water is very injurious and harmful for our sound health. Nowadays, water pollution has become a serious problem in our daily life that we are facing regularly in our society. Water pollution is the contamination of water by filth, waste or other substances in water in our country regularly. 

Besides, we are polluting water in many ways such as all the are polluting water to throw waste and rubbish or garbage in water regularly. All the farmers of our country are polluting water to use chemical fertilizers and insecticides in the crops fields day by day. Again all the steamers,ships and motor launches are polluting water to emit their burning oil in the water. The industries of our country are polluting water to throw their dirty water and garbage things on water regularly. Moreover, polluted water is the cause of many fatal water – borne diseases in our country such as diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid etc.

 If we want to remain safe, clean and fresh water is essential for our life. Every year most of the people die from the severe attack of cholera in our country and the origin of this fatal disease is drinking unclean and polluted water in our country. All fishes and water animals die if the water is polluted in the seas or rivers. Moreover, to save water means to save our own life and if we cannot save water from being polluted, we will face an extinction in our future. So the Government and all classes of people should come forward and take necessary steps to save water from being polluted in our country as early as possible. Then we can lead a healthy, safe and a peaceful life in our future.

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