If you search for “A Student Life composition” , then the Paragraphs BD website is the right Address. Here we have written “A Student Life composition” with very easy language for All Calsses. This Composition will help you to make a brilliant ruselt in any examinations in future.
The period that we spend in acquiring knowledge in our educational institutions like school, college,madrasah, universities etc. is called student life. It is the golden period of life. We decorate our dreams in our mind at this stage. It is also called the period of sowing seeds in student life. At this stage, as a student will show, so will he reap in future.
Duties of a student
A student’s first and foremost duty is to study and acquire knowledge and prepare himself for a particular profession in his future. He should be regular in his classes and should read his lessons attentively. Besides, reading the text books, he should read newspapers, magazines, novels, dramas etc.to gather some extra knowledge in his student life.
Others duties of a student
A student has many duties except his main duty. He should always make the best use of his time because time and tide wait for none. At this stage a student should form the habit of practicing honesty, perseverance, sympathy, generosity and obedience etc. in his student life.
Social duties of a student
A student may often come forward to render all the social services in his student life. During the time of vacation, they can organize adults education and they can arrange the various kinds of educational programmes for all the destitute children in their study life. Moreover, the students usually play an important role in arranging blood donation activities in student life easily.
Duties to the nation
Today’s students are the future leaders of the nation. So they should play a vital role in building the nation from their early life. They should extend their helping hands in the time of any national crisis of a nation. For instance, they can stand by the sufferings of the thousands of people during the time of natural calamities in student life.
So in such situations, they can collect the funds for all the homeless, helpless and the penniless people and take part in the relief operations. Finally, the students should study hard and work hard attentively for the nation with the patriotic feelings in student life.
Student life is the time of taking preparations
A student life is the best time of taking preparations for the better future in life. The students study attentively and make an aim to reach their destinations.
Those who are brilliant and good students only they can keep a target for becoming successful in their life and they make a strong oath that they will shine in life in their students like. So the students can take all the preparations of success in their student life.
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By keeping in mind all the qualities of a student, the students should widen their mental horizons. They should be confident and should study hard to enrich themselves with the latest knowledge of the world in student life.

Taher Mahmud is a dedicated teacher and blogger who has achieved great success in his work field. He was born to parents of Mashuk ahmed and Fathema begum and grew up with the love for learning and exploration. After completing his Bachelor’s degree. He is interested in Computer Writings, Designing & internet browsing etc. Moreover, I practice English with my beloved friend MD. Abdul QUDDUS & computer with my friend a smart blogger & designer MD.Juyel Ahmed Liton.
This is our small effort thinking about the young students and the source of good guidence.