Duties of a student composition for Class 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12 and Degree, Hons

Duties of a student composition

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We know the importance of Duties of students Composition in every country’s overall improvement. In this article, we’ve shared some paragraphs on Duties of students Composition. duties of a student composition for class 9, duties of a student composition for class 10, the duties of a student composition, composition duties of a student. Our writing is suitable for all the students of class 6 to 12 and Degree & hon’s candidates. You can use them in your examinations to get better marks.

composition duties of a student


Students are the future generation and the greatest force of a nation.They are the future leaders of a country . They can build or destroy  a nation. Hence, they play a vital role in a society as well as in a country.   

Primary duty

The Primary duty of students is to acquire knowledge. They should also try heart and soul to make themselves worthy citizens. For this they should use most of their time in education. Then they should pay attention to the welfare of the society. 

Service to the illiterate people

The most important duty of students lies in removing illiteracy among the people. Students can do this duty during their holidays. They can go to villages and make people aware of the importance of education. They can set up night school for this purpose. 

Service to Common people

Students can help the common people in different ways.They can help the farmers by telling them of the need for scientific methods of cultivation. They can also help the people by telling them of the importance of birth control.

Service in national health

Students can do a lot for national health. In this case, female students role is very important. They can teach illiterate women folk how to bring up their children and take care of their health. Besides all students in general can teach ordinary people how to keep the environment free and clean.

Service in the time of natural calamity

Duties of a student can help the suffering people during calamities. In such situations, they can collect funds for homeless and penniless people and take part in relief operations. Through the Red Cross Society, they can work for all the distressed of the world.

Solving population problem

Students can take part in raising awareness regarding population problem. Population is growing in geometrical progress. If this growth remains unchecked the economic security of the country will be at a stake.The illiterate people of our country are full of prejudices and do not feel the necessity of family planning. Students may come forward to remove the evil conception of the people. They can teach people the problems of over population and should encourage them to adopt the measures of family planning. 

Teaching rules of sanitation

Our students can teach the people the rules of sanitation. They can teach them how to reduce population and how to lead a happiest life by staying neat and clean. Our ignorant people are very dirty.They have very  little civic sense. They spit on the floor, throw garbages hither and thither creating troubles to pedestrians.

They should be convinced that these are harmful habits. Most of the people of our country are poor and illiterate. The food they take have very little vitality. So large number of people suffer from various diseases. The students can teach these people some basic treatments for diseases like dysentery and small infections.

Duty as  fire fighters

Students can play a vital role in every sphere of life in a society. Our country is a densely populated country and here are many mills, factories and industries in our country. This is why every year majority  mills, factories and industries are burnt by the fire. So in the mean time students rush on that spot for putting out fire to take challenges with thei lives as fire fighters. 

Campaign against Drugs

Now a days drug has become very common issue in our society. Drugs are destroying our young generation and the nation. The drug  smokers are using drugs severely in our society. In this context all students can start a campaign for removing drugs from our society. They can go door to door, family to family and teach them about the dreadful effects of drugs. Besides, they can arrange a meeting, a seminar about bad effect of drugs.Then they can make a banners, posters and placards against bad effects of drugs. 

Rising prevention against early marriage and dowry

In digital days early marriage and dowry have become very complex in our society. Every year hundreds of unmatured  girls are getting marriage. During the time of early marriage the bride – groom party will demand the huge amount of dowry in our society. But after getting early marriage with huge amount of dowry the bride and bride – groom party will be sick and various kinds of diseases will attack them severely.

In the long run they suffer from it and will die for ever days or this marriage will be broken only for the huge amount of dowry. So all the students can start a campaign against early marriage and dowry. Besides they can train up them to go door to door about the bad effect of early marriage and dowry and they can suggest them if anybody arranges an early marriage and dowry they have to go in prison.  

Starting campaign about Tree plantation

Our country is a small country but It’s population is very big. It’s natural scenery is very charming but it is matter of regret that the unconscious people of our country are cutting down trees randomly. In this way our country is becoming like a  desert. If this situation continue for a few days we shall face a dangerous extinction and we will can not imagine our existence on earth without trees because we get oxygen, delicious fruits, timber and ever fresh shades from the trees. So in this havoc situation all the students of our country can teach to our unconscious people about the Importance of planting trees more and more in our country

Students roles in Language  movement and the Liberation  war of BD

Bangladesh is a small country and it is situated in the south side of Asia continent. But one day it was the part of Pakistan and the President of Pakistan ruled it from their central capital. Specially the name of our mother land was East Pakistan but day by day the president of Pakistan started his exploitation to the people of East Pakistan from many sides and the president of Pakistan Muhammed ali Jinnah declared that only ” Urdu and Urdu ” shall be the state language of Pakistan. After hearing this heinous declaration the students of Dhaka University Salam,Jabbar, Rafiq, Barkot started a strong protest against Pakistani President and army.

Then they started a strong movement against Pakistani president and army in a body to save their own  mother tongue “Bangla” and independence. They declared that only Bengali will be the state language of East Pakistan or our Bengal. From this context our heroic sons or students started their mother language movement in 1952 and independent war in 1971.

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After fighting with their heart and soul long nine months our heroic sons or students defeated to the exploiters Pakistani president and army. Then they snatched their mother tongue and green red circle  flag from the Pakistani exploiters in the land of Bengal in 1971 to sacrifice their valuable lives instead of one sea of blood.                                                           


The students are the courageous soldiers of a nation and they have much to do for the nation and the society. Through their good or social service, they can save a nation from the destruction. Then they can enrich their minds and serve the people very well. The students can uphold the image of the nation through their social service. So For the time being it can be told that the duties of the students can not be over stated in our national life.

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