Digital Bangladesh composition For All Class Students

Digital Bangladesh composition

If you search for “Digital Bangladesh composition”, then the website is the right Address. Here we have written “Digital Bangladesh composition” with very easy language for All Calss. This Composition will help you to make a brilliant ruselt in any job or class examinations your life.

In our composition, we will answer the following questions:

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‘Digital Bangladesh’ is a new but ambitious concept in our country. The digitalization means the process of implementing various activities, including e- governance, e- commerce, a one hundred  percent literacy rate of population, sanitation, low morality rate, high life expectancy, employment generations and making people skilled human resources through of the use of computer as well as internet in our country all over the world is called digiitalisation.

The beginning of Digital Bangladesh

Everything has its own beginning and anything cannot be started easily in the world so like them our present government prime minister Sheikh Hasina is the main founder of Digital Bangladesh in our country. Especially , with all efforts of our president prime minister Sheikh Hasina the digital Bangladesh started its march in 2021 in Bangladesh.

The aim of digital Bangladesh

The president of our prime minister Sheikh Hasina had taken the landmark step to bring a radical change in the lives of millions of people by using sophisticated science and technology in every field digital and science in our country. The aim of digital Bangladesh is to make our country computer, internet and digitalized based in all sectors all over the world. Its Vision is to make all the citizens as global natizen in all sectors all over the world totally. So Awami League in its election manifesto had mentioned that it is determined to fully implement the concept titled in our country is ‘ Vision – 2021’ and it was the dream of our president s prime minister Sheikh Hasina.

The activities of digital Bangladesh

Digital Bangladesh is a dream vision of bringing the digital change in  every sector of our technology, science and digital life. It is the main process of digitalizing everything in our international life all over the world. Our lifestyle, daily activities, business transactions, communications, entertainment, studies and consultation etc would be made online based in our country all over the world in our national life. Besides, it is a process of sensitizing the common people to the widespread use of the internet in their daily life to gear up the wheels of our overall  science and socio – economic life.

Digital based countries

Economically rich and industrially developed countries are fully dependent on digitalisation process. They have made everything here online based in digital days all over the world. They have reduced the use of papers , rather are accustomed in using emails and facsimiles to accomplish their digital activities all over the world. So nowadays all the countries all over the world are digital like Bangladesh.

Digital in education

All educational processes of Bangladesh have been made in digital based all over the world. The education board leads and completes all the educational programmes or activities in the internet and digitalized systems all over the world in a body. Moreover, all the educational institutions have been digitalized for making it easy and speedy.

Digital in science and technology

Digitalized systems have made a great change in our science and technology. Scientists and researchers can research and invent any complex and scientific invention easily within seconds in digital days. The digital system has made the world the world as a global village all over the world.

Digital in medical science

The digital system has brought a revolution in the field of medical science all over the world. All the medical scientists, specialists and researchers can invent very complicated medicines easily by the help of a digitalized process within seconds all over the world. Many sophisticated machines are diagnosing all the complex operations and diseases with the help of digital technology in medical science. Besides, the digital system has made our complex life easier  in every sphere of our life.

Digitalized in Bank balance

Bangladesh is an agro – based and socio economic country in south Asia. Most of her are foreigners and they live abroad for earning money and they send their remittance through the banks of Bangladesh and the traders, Marchants businesses man submit their money on their banks account. So all the banks and balances have been made Digitalized systems so that the customers can get good service as  their demands. Moreover, there is a digital money counting ATM digital machines in every bank all over the world these machines can count crores of money within seconds. The thousands of money can be transferred from one place to another with a very short time easily.

Digitalized in agriculture

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Most of the people here are farmers. They work hard under the sun and rain from dawn to dusk all day long but they could not complete their dreams and demand anyhow. But the digital science and technology in agriculture has made their hard work very easier day by day. Nowadays digital technology has invented some digital agro – based digital machines all over the world. By using all the digital machines the farmers can grow more and better crops in their turmoil life in the field of digital technology every year. So the digital technology in agriculture has brought huge change all over the world.

Digiitalisation is a blessing for mankind

digital technology is a blessing for mankind all over the world. The digital technology has made our life much easier and faster than in the past. All the men can complete all their work within seconds to sit in a corner of the world. Besides, the digital system has reduced our transportation systems totally because we do any challenging work to sit at our home. That is why, digital technology is a blessing for mankind’s all over the world.

Importance of digitalization

The digitalization is the prerequisite of all technologies and developments all over the world. Now we are natizen and we. are living in the days of digital generations and technology. The digital technology has been made in the world like a global village. The digital technology has introduced all the world like a moonlit night. Besides, there are no sectors of the world that digital technology has not kept its documents of success all over the world.

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All the educated people have to play a vital role in discharging their duties and responsibilities. They have to work hard together with the Government to reach its goal of building a digital Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, digitalization, if the process is successfully implemented, would bring a horizon of ray and hope for millions of people through their active participation in various developmental activities all over the world. So we should be able to fight poverty, above all, we need to change our mindset to make it happen all over the world in our digital lives. For the time being it can be told that we are totally blind without the digital technology in our entire life.

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