A School Magazine composation for Class 6 to 12

A School Magazine composation

We must search for “A School Magazine composation”, then the Paragraphsbd.com website is the right Address. Here we have written “A School Magazine composation” with very easy language for All Calss. This Composition will help you to make a brilliant ruselt in any job or class examinations your life.


The School Magazine is the publication of a school. In general, it is published annually or periodically. It is an embodiment of thinking of the students. They can express the green ideas of their mind through this Magazine.

Publication of our school Magazine:

Like other schools ours has also a school Magazine. The name of our Magazine is “The light of Dawn”. It is an annual publication. In order to conduct the works of publication of our school at first a magazine committee is formed. The Headmaster is the chairperson and chief patron of the committee. A teacher is made the advisor. A student who is good at literature is made the editor of the Magazine committee. Some students who are engaged in the committee work as assistant editors, business editors, proof readers etc.The publication of the Magazine is mostly maintained by the students and school fund.

Varieties in our school Magazine:

Our school Magazine has both Bengali and English sections. Both teachers and students write in it. Generally poems, short stories, jokes, one – act play, riddles and other educative writings are published in our school Magazine. After all the works of publication when the Magazine reaches the hands of us, our joys know no bounds. The students feel very happy to see their writings in the printed book. For this the publication of school Magazine is very important.

School Magazine is the source of Researching: 

A Magazine is the source of learning and researching between teachers and students because when a magazine committee will be constructed from then the students and teachers start their thinking and researching for school Magazine. In this context they try with heart and soul for submitting their good writings for a Magazine according to their ability. Besides, they can create new writings and increase their dominations of thinking and Researching in their study life.

School Magazine makes us brilliant:

The Magazine helps us to become brilliant in our student life. We know that without studying well we cannot write good something about ourselves. So during the time of writing school Magazine we think and research with Our level best. This is why, This Magazine makes us brilliant and talent in our student life.

School Magazine is the mirror of a school:

A school Magazine works like a mirror of a school because all writers  write about all the backgrounds and information about the school. There is no any information of  school will not be written by the writers .So all the readers of this Magazine will get all the information in the school Magazine easily.

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The school Magazine helps the young learners and writers to develop their latent faculties. They can know about literature, history, science and many other things from school Magazine. It also helps them in developing their creative power of thinking and writing. So I think that every school should have a magazine in every year.

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