Road Accident Paragraph for class 6 to hon’s students

Road Accident Paragraph

If you’re searching for Road Accident Paragraph, then website is the right place for you. In this article, we have written down Road Accident Paragraph in 150, 200, 250, and 350 words. Our writings are suitable for all the students of class 6 to Hon’s candidates.

Road Accident Paragraph for class 6 to 8 in 150 words: 

Now – a – days a road Accident has become incident in Bangladesh. Everyday we find the news of road accidents in the details of daily newspapers in our country. Some days ago, a tragic road accident took place just before my eyes at Sylhet. A boy was crossing the road near Sylhet  Mohila college. A bus with full speed was coming from the opposite direction. When the boy saw the bus a few yards near him, he got puzzled. 

Suddenly he turned and started to cross the road. He had just moved to the middle of the road and the bus ran over him strongly. The bus stopped with a loud sound on the road instantly. A crowd rushed to the spot. I ran to the boy and in the twinkling of an eye, I saw that the boy was senseless. There was blood flowing on the road hugely. I took the wounded boy in to a car and told the driver to proceed to the M.A.G Osmani Medical College Hospital Sylhet. There the doctors and nurses took every care of him with much care. 

But it is a matter of great regret  that he died in the hospital. I could not bear to watch the scene. Closing my eyes, I came back home afterwards. So during the time of moving through the roads we be much careful and every traffic police should play a vital role so that they can maintain all the traffic rules in the roads in everyday I’m our country. Besides, I pray to Almighty Allah  for saving us from such kinds of fatal road accidents in our daily life.

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A road accident paragraph for class SSC in 200 words: 

Bangladesh is a small country but its population is very big. The road size of this country is very small and narrow. Road accidents are the regular common affair in our country. Everyday the road accidents are occurring on the roads. Just a few days ago I was going to Dhaka by a bus, then I followed a little boy crossing the road near my bus. But suddenly a heavy truck came at full speed and the little boy ran over the truck. 

Then I got down from the bus stop and rushed on the spot. I and other people took him near the Dhaka Medical College Hospital. The doctors and nurses received the wounded boy and started to take care of the boy with much care. But it was a matter of sorrow that the doctor declared him as a dead boy in the hospital because he was bleeding profusely and the doctors could not resist it anyhow after all their efforts. I was very shocked by this tragic and pathetic road accident In front of my eyes. 

Besides, there are many causes of regular road accidents in our country. Firstly, the road size is very narrow and secondly the negligence of the traffic rules in the roads in our country. Especially, the traffic police are not aware and dutiful in the traffic duty on the roads. Thirdly, the reckless driving of the illegal drivers of our country. Majority drivers do not have any driving license and they are not good at driving the cars through the roads. That’s why road accidents are common in our country. Moreover, most of the drivers are addicted to drugs. After taking drugs they drive the cars through the roads recklessly with a high speed and the road accidents regularly in our country. 

The roads accidents snatch our valuable lives everyday in our country and it has become our daily affairs in our day to day life. So if we want to save us from these regular dangerous road accidents, the people, drivers and all the traffic police should be more careful about the road accidents in our country as soon as possible.

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A road accident paragraph for class HSC in 250 words: 

In our daily transformational life road accidents has become a very common issue in our country. It has become very regular here and there recklessly in our country. Just a few months ago I was going to Comilla by car. I was gossiping with my sidemen about recent educational condition of our country. But suddenly our car stopped and I followed that a Honda came with a full speed from the south side and a street beggar was passing the road slowly. 

Then the street beggar ran over by the Honda. Then we got down from the car and went there to run quickly. All the people gathered there around him. The wounded man was bleeding profusely on the road. Then we took him to the Comilla Medical College Hospital. All the doctors and nurses received him within seconds. Then they applied their operations and it was a matter of regret that they told us that the man had died. I felt a bolt from the blue and could not endure this tragedical in front of my eyes. 

Then I became very shocked to see this fatal road accident in my life. Besides, there are many reasons of road accidents in our country. Firstly, the illegal driving of the drivers through the roads and they do not have any driving license that is why they drive the cars recklessly in the roads. Secondly, the driving competition among the drivers in our country. During the time of driving the cars, they take a driving speed for reaching their destinations and they meet road accidents on the roads in our country. 

Thirdly, the drivers are druggish, that is why after drugging they drive the cars recklessly on the road and fall in road accidents easily. Fourthly, our traffic systems are not active and aware about the road accident. Especially, they do not confer their duty in traffic rules in our country. Only their negligence and idleness are responsible for the regular road accidents in our country. Moreover, the majority of people are dying due to road accidents in our country. So people every walk of life, the drivers and the traffic police should come forward to check regular road accidents in our country. 

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A road accident paragraph for class Degree ( pass ) & Hon’s in 350 words: 

A road accident has become a very common phenomenon in our daily life. It is happening day by day in our country. Everyday when we follow the new er get the message of road accidents in our country. Yesterday I was going to my college to walk on foot slowly near the side of the road with my friends. Instantly, I followed that a passer – by was crossing the road hurriedly but in the meantime a truck was coming  with a full speed from the behind side, the passer – by could not follow it because the did not play it’s horn from the behind side so the passer – by ran over by the truck greatly. Then we rushed to that spot. 

The people around gathered there. We found that the road became bloody and the blood was weaving on the road. One of my friends became faint to see the huge amount of blood on the road. Then we took the wounded man near the upazila sadar hospital immediately. All the doctors, nurses and specialists received him hurriedly in the hospital and started their operations. They tried with all their efforts to save him but it is a matter of shock that the doctors announced that the patient had died in the hospital and he is no more in the world. After getting this message I set on the floor with profound grief and I could not bear my heart and tears came out from my eyes. But there was nothing to do for him in the hospital. 

Then I did not go to my college but instead I came back home with a broken heart with my friends. So I mean that the scenery of this road accident will not vanish from my eyes in my life. Besides, there are many causes for road accidents happening regularly in our country. First of all, the reckless driving of the illegal drivers in our country. They do not have any driving license and they are not so experienced to drive the cars through thel roads. Without a train the drive the cars on the road and road accidents in our country regularly. Secondly, the indiscipline of traffic rules on the road, majority traffic police are idle and they are not aware of and dutiful in the roads in their duty. 

Thirdly, the narrowness of roads in our country. Majority of roads in our country are very narrow, that is why, the road accidents are available in our country because the biggest and heavy vehicles can not pass easily through the narrow road and there are accidents on the road regularly in our country. For the time being it can be said that we should especially the Government should take necessary steps to control road accidents in our country as soon as possible otherwise the crying of our tragic deaths will not be stopped in our entire life. 

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