Physical Exercise composition: Physical exercise that helps maintain or increase physical fitness. Another meaning is regular movement in different limbs of the body. Exercising is taking for various causes, such as strengthening the muscles and circulatory system, improving athletic performance, losing or maintaining body weight, or simply for enjoyment. Regular exercise boosts a person’s immune system and helps them recover from various physical diseases.
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Today we present an important essay on Physical Exercise composition. Which will help the students in any competition or any examination.
physical Exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body according to the rules.None can enjoy good health without physical Exercise. It keeps good health and promotes strength.It also keeps us free from diseases.
Kinds of physical Exercise
There are many kinds of physical Exercise like walking, swimming, running etc.Different kinds of games such as football, cricket, hockey, badminton etc are good forms of health exercises. All the exercises are not equally suitable to all. All kinds of games and sports are quite good for the young. On the other hand, walking is good for people of all ages .
Time of taking physical Exercise
Morning and evening are the best time of taking physical exercise.We should take exercise in the open air. We should not take exercise in our empty stomach or immediate after taking meal.
Necessity of taking physical Exercise
physical exercise is very necessary to us .Our life is full of activities and struggle. One can tackle them by his physical fitness.It improves our health and makes a man strong and active. There is a proverb ” A sound mind lies in a sound body”. If the body is unsound, the mind will be unsound. A sound mind depends on regular exercise. It also improves our power of digestion. It keeps a man free from diseases.
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Physical Exercise is essential for the young and students
Physical exercise is the most important for the young and students.They do hard physical and mental work. So they need sound body and sound mind which depends on their regular physical exercise. Those who do not take regular physical exercise, soon they lose their good health and many diseases attack them in day by day. They do not find any interest and happiness in their life. So in the long run they go at the point of death in their life.
Physical Exercise is the real treatment for the human body
Physical exercise is the real treatment for the human body .Those who take regular physical exercise any diseases do not attack to them.The are always active,fit and smart. They will remain free from any diseases in their life s that they can lead a secure life before their death.
Physical Exercise makes us energetic and patience
Physical exercise makes us most energetic and patience.Those who take regular physical exercise they will be very energetic and they will can increase their patience in any works .They will be very active to do any hard and challenging work and they will not collapse to do any critical work in their life . Besides they will can to show the test of patience in every stare of their life.
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Physical Exercise makes a man fit and smart
Physical exercise makes a man fit and smart very well . Those who take regular physical exercise they will be fit and smart in their life otherwise they have to face with many physical critical problems in future.
Health is mane Wealth. It is the root of all happiness. Physical exercise enables us to achieve this wealth as if physical Exercise is the root of all happiness so we should take physical exercise regularly then we will can to lead a very happy and peaceful life.

Taher Mahmud is a dedicated teacher and blogger who has achieved great success in his work field. He was born to parents of Mashuk ahmed and Fathema begum and grew up with the love for learning and exploration. After completing his Bachelor’s degree. He is interested in Computer Writings, Designing & internet browsing etc. Moreover, I practice English with my beloved friend MD. Abdul QUDDUS & computer with my friend a smart blogger & designer MD.Juyel Ahmed Liton.
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