Natural Calamities in BD composition for class 6 to 12

Natural Calamities in BD composition

Natural Calamities in BD composition: A natural Calamity is a type of disaster, which occurs naturally according to the rules of nature and there is no direct human roles behind it. Geographically, Bangladesh is located in a natural disaster situation. Due to these various kinds of natural disasters are the daily companion of the people of this country throughout every year in Bangladesh. Different types of natural calamities occur here and even throughout the year. Such as floods, cyclones, droughts, tidal bores, river erosion, landslides, earthquakes etc.

Natural Calamities in BD composition


Natural Calamity is a natural event which has an adverse socio – economic impact on the whole environment in our country. In recent years, they have become more frequent because of the climate change all over the world. That is why, they are now being addressed as a global problem all over the world.

Common forms of natural calamities in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is very prone to natural disasters. Every year some common natural disasters like floods, cyclones, tidal -bores , excessive rainfall, earthquake, riverbank erosion, drought etc. visit  Bangladesh chronologically. Another furious natural disaster is, the green house effect is creeping towards us . Among these, floods and cyclones are the two main natural disasters in Bangladesh. For instance, from 2007, our country has been affected by three dreadful cyclones and also by two consequent floods in Bangladesh.

Causes behind natural calamities in Bangladesh

Natural disasters are very common in Bangladesh due to peculiar geography. The funnel shaped coast helps cyclones which are formed in the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh. Again, heavy rainfall, tidal -bores, melting of snow from the Himalayas causes floods in our country every year. Global warming is another cause in causing natural calamities. Natural calamities cause maximum damage in Bangladesh. This is because of the low flat land, high density of population, poorly built houses and also, lack of drastic plans in our country.

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Effects of natural calamities in Bangladesh

Natural disasters cause heavy losses in our country every year. Many people are killed and many others become homeless. The havoc also includes the death of cattle, widespread destruction of houses, uprooting of trees, damage of crops, roads and structures and human life. Shortly after the disasters, many diseases break out and communication is suspended and causes untold  people.

Measures to be taken against natural calamities in Bangladesh

Being a natural phenomenon, it is not possible to prevent  natural disasters. We can take some protective measures to lessen the sufferings of the victims in our country. Both long and short terms plans can be taken. The Government must take the projects for afforestation in our country. In addition, warning and preparatory measures have to be taken. Finally we should raise awareness in people to protect our lives and properties from the tremendous attack of natural calamities in our country.

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Natural calamities cause huge losses in our country every year. However, the effects of those may be mitigated with the combined efforts of both the Government and the mass people in our country as early as possible.

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