mobile phone paragraph for class 6 to hon’s

Mobile phone paragraph

Mobile phone paragraph: Mobile phone or motophone is a type of communication system. People of all countries of the world are using this mobile phone. This phone is named “mobile phone” because it can be easily carried and used anywhere. Mobile is an indispensable thing for people nowadays. Through it all kinds of communication is possible and it can be carried to any part of the world and communication can be maintained with people on the other side of the world in a short time.

Our students need to learn different time paragraphs about this very essential mobile phone. Below we present a paragraph about mobile phones. Mobile Phone Paragraph 100 Words, Mobile phone paragraph 200 words, Mobile phone Paragraph 250 words, Mobile phone paragraph for class 6, Mobile phone paragraph for class 8, Mobile Phone Paragraph for Class 7, Mobile Phone Paragraph for Class 9-10, Mobile phone Paragraph for Class 12, Short Mobile phone paragraph, Mobile phone paragraph Easy-

uses and abuses of mobile phone paragraph for class 6, 7 & 8 in 150 words:

Today the world is advancing in an inconceivable way. The victory of science has risen in every parts of the world. Mobile phone is one of the most amazing invention of digital science all over the world. It is such a cordless phone by which we can communicate and talk to others from one country to another within seconds. Before inventing mobile phone the communication and messaging system was very hard. But mobile phone has now declined the distance of the world.

Every one can bear it with him because of its smart size. So we can communicate with a person and have him at once in crying need means of it. It is pragmatic and interesting matter that nowadays messaging and internet system have been included in it. All these factors have made it popular among users all over the world. Though it was the sign of aristocracy in the past, now it is found in every one’s hand all over the world. Grameen phone, Citycell , Aktel, Bangla link and Warid provide us with mobile phone services. However with all the uses, a mobile phone has some abuses too.

It is injurious to our health and it harms our brains when we talk through it. The excessive use of mobile phone often causes fatal diseases like brain tumors, cancer etc. Besides most of our young generations are addicted with mobile phone.They play games and gamble in mobile phone through internet in day and night. The blackmails are available in mobile phone all over the world.So we should be conscious in using it. But yet, we can say that it has made our life peaceful and moving. Though it has some demerits, it is truly a blessing for our civilization.

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Mobile phone paragraph for class SSC in 200 words:

We are living in the era of science and technology. Mobile phone is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science and technology all over the world. A mobile phone is a scientific device by which we can communicate with others all over the world within seconds. This communication system is led without any wire. Now a days we cannot imagine a day without a mobile phone in our daily life.

Nowadays, especially the students and children are very prone to absorb the demerits of mobile phone. They sometimes keep chatting and wasting their valuable time with their friends when they are supposed to be at their desk to study. Though people are getting benefits, mobile phone sometimes becomes the causes of health hazards seriously. It causes the brain tumors, genetic damage and many others health issues.

But it is a matter of great regret that most of the people are not aware of the disadvantages of mobile phone. The blood pressure become very high and red blood cells are get damaged if a person is continuously exposed to radiation caused by cellular phone. Using cellular phone is also harmful for pregnant women. So, the Government should raise public awareness on using mobile phone by using children and pregnant women all over the world. If mobile phone is used in a controlled way, it will do more benefits for us in our daily life.

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Mobile phone paragraph for class HSC in 250 words

Mobile phone is an ultra modern and scientific invention of digital era. Today the world is advancing in an inconceivable way. The victory of science and technology has risen in every sectors of the world.Mobile phone is one of the most wonderful invention of digital science and technology all over the world. It is such a wireless phone by which we can communicate and talk to others countries immediately in very easy.

Before inventing mobile phone the communication and messaging system were very hard. But mobile phone has made the like a global village all the world and it has lessened the distance of the world totally. It is very easy to carry everybody can bear it with them from one place another place when it is needed because it is very small size and light. So we can communicate with a person and have him at once in crying need means of it. It is pragmatic and interesting matter that nowadays messaging and internet system have been included in it.

All these parts have made it popular among the users all over the world.Though it was the sign of aristocracy and digital technology in the past, it is found in the everyone’s hand all over the world only for its popularity. Grameen phone, Citycell, Aktel, Bangla link and Warid provide us with mobile phone services all over the world. However with all the uses, a mobile phone has some demerits too.It is injurious to our health and brain and harms our all parts of the body when we talk with it all over the world. Besides most of our young generations and children are victimed by it seriously day by day all over the world. Especially, they play games and gamble through internet day and night through internet.

The excessive using of mobile phone causes many fatal diseases such as brain tumors, cancer and damaging the red blood cells in the body. Moreover, the students are affecting greatly because they do not study attentively only for the strong addiction of mobile phone all over the world. Mobile phone is very harmful for the pregnant women in their life and it influences the baby in their stomach deeply. It increases high blood pressure in the users body regularly.

It damages the genetic power of the users totally and makes a great effects on their body. So the Government should raise public awareness on using mobile phone by using pregnant women and children all over the world.If mobile phone is used in a controlled way, it will be more benefits for us in our daily life and activities.

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Paragraph for class Degree & Hon’s in 350 words

Mobile phone is a digital scientific invention of digital science. Mobile phone has made the world very smaller and closer all over the world. Now we are living in the days of science and technology. Mobile phone has become an indispensable tool. It is not anyone a device that follows us to talk only. Nowadays, the functions of a mobile phone are many. One does not necessarily need a PC or a laptop in order to get the internet connection.

We connect to the World Wide Web using our mobile phones. Apart from this, we also use it for taking photos, recording videos, receiving and sending e- mails and downloading and installing the application we need through a mobile phone. We use mobile phones for internet surfing, accessing social network, performing searches, buying movies, tickets, clothes and other accessories. We can watch live TV on mobile phone, too.

When on has a mobile phone in his pocket, it seems that he has the whole world in the pocket. With the digitalisation process ongoing in our country, it is thought that the communication will become easier, safer and faster day by day through the mobile phone all over the world. Thus, we can hope a smart, better and a more development Bangladesh. Besides, its uses and benefits, mobile phones have some abuses drawbacks also. According to studies, abusing of mobile phones can generate stress, anxiety or addiction. It specially refers to teenagers.

It has been observed that teenagers who use their mobile phone too frequent are prone to anxiety, sleep disorders, stress and fatigue, apart from cognitive and attention issues. The studies show that mobile phones are used for personal matters and preferably outdoors. They are also used for enormous amounts of text messages of all kinds. Texting while walking or driving might be the biggest problem concerning the use of these devices through mobile phone. We should be aware of the uses and abuses of the wonders of mobile phone and modern science.

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The new invention of modern science are made to benefit for all the mankind all over the world. If they are not handled properly, it will destroy us totally. So we should be much careful about mobile phone in our digital life.

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