Gender Discrimination Paragraph for class 6 to 12

Gender Discrimination Paragraph

If you’re searching for Gender Discrimination Paragraph, then website is the right place for you. In this article, we have written down Gender Discrimination Paragraph. gender discrimination paragraph for hsc, gender discrimination paragraph pdf, gender discrimination paragraph for class 12, gender discrimination paragraph 200 words, gender discrimination paragraph 150 words, gender discrimination paragraph 300 words. Our writings are suitable for all the students of class 6 to 12 examination candidates.

Gender Discrimination Paragraph for class 6 to 8 in 150 words: 

Gender Discrimination does not simply mean that men and women are the same, but they have some discriminations and should be accorded equal treatment. According to The United Nations, gender discrimination is a first and foremost problem all over the world. 

Empowering women is also an indispensables tool for advancing development and reducing poverty from the world. Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of their families and communities leading to improved prospects for the future generation. Therefore , gender discrimination is not possible by both men and women all over the world. 

Gender discrimination mostly prevails in the rural area of Bangladesh where the people are illiterate, poor and totally helpless. In Bangladesh, men usually dominate the society and make decisions in their family matters. In the rural area, in many cases, girls are not sent to school. Instead they are married off before they could surpass their teen years in their life. Poverty, illiteracy, rapid growth of population etc. are actively working as the main barriers. 

To eradicate gender discrimination, we all should come forward to make people aware of the equal men and women in our society. Especially, ensuring female education, raising mass awareness, avoiding all the social dogmas etc. are very effective measures to get rid of this social gender discrimination all over the world.

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Gender Discrimination Paragraph for class SSC in 200 words: 

Gender discrimination means the great disparity between male and female in our country. Nowadays gender discrimination has become a national social problem in our country. Our new generation is suffering from it greatly in our society. Most of the population of our society are women and the percentage of male people is very less than the women in our country. 

From the beginning of our society we do not welcome women in our country and instead we feel that women are a great burden for our society. We hate them and we do not show respect and confer their equal rights in our society. We imagine that only women are the slave of family and we treat them with brutality and dissociation in our family. 

We have a wrong concept that all the women have come only for doing all the household chores in our family but not participating outside of the family. We indicate women as subservient to men in our society. We do not accept their opinions and activities in our society. We feel that they do not have the right of opinion, freedom of speech and the participation of any social activities in our society. 

We do not send them to any educational institutions for learning and we think that women’s education is unnecessary for them. We show their education in negative ways in our society. During the time of feeding between male and female we feed the majority and better food to the males than the women in our society. We do not confer proper rights and demands in our society. 

Moreover, gender discrimination is a great injustice to the women in our society. So everybody, we should consider women as Part and parcel in our daily life. We cannot think of our entire life without the helping and participation of women in our society. In a word, we should eradicate gender discrimination from our society as soon as possible.

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Gender Discrimination Paragraph for class HSC in 250 words: 

Gender discrimination in Bangladesh is very conspicuous. The male people of Bangladesh think that they are stronger than the women. The women should confine themselves only to household chores. Their stay inside the house has become a tradition. The parents think that one day the girls will become a wife of another house. So she needs to do other work in the family. 

The husbands treat their wives very harshly in our society. If anything bad happens in a family, the women are responsible for it. In the sphere of service, the men are getting priority. Here women are disqualified for lack of strength and courage in our society. The women who are divorced from their husbands are very dishonored in the society and the family. Society treats them with disgust and dishonor. Women are now looked upon as the weaker section of the society even in the present millennium. 

This attitude is rife among the male because women are really lagging behind in education and earning capability. Even colors are also an important factor in gender discrimination. If a woman’s color is black, people do not agree to marry her in our society. People do not show respect for them in society. But there is no discrimination between men and women in developed countries all over the world. So we should remove the discrimination between men and women and establish their equal rights for our national progress and prosperity in our country.

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Gender Discrimination Paragraph for class Degree (pass) & Hons in 350 words: 

Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. Most of the parents want to have children so that they can. When they are old, they supplement their family and help with the domestic work in their family. In the existing socio – economic set up, male children are best suited to this purpose in our country. So girls are born to an unwelcome earth. 

However, they are assigned, rather confined to, domestic chores. Some of these girls may be in school. But all their domestic or academic work stops as soon as they are married off, which is the prime concern of the parents about their daughters in our society. This discriminatory treatment has some long term negative effects on the body and mind of the girl children and women in our family. 

They are given to understand that they should keep the best foods available for the male members in our family that they should eat less than the male members that they should not raise their voice when they speak that they should not go out of their house without permission from, and without being escorted by the male members in our society. 

All these shape the girls thinking about life and world and go to establish their relationships with the male members in the family. As a result they suffer, more than their male counterparts, from malnutrition and anemia which make them vulnerable to various diseases, resulting in a high mortality rate in our country. 

As if women are part of our personal and social life so we should show due respect to our women and eradicate gender discrimination from our country as early as possible, then we can become a civilized nation all over the world.

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