Female Education composition for all Classes students 

Female Education

Female Education : Both men and women have an equal responsibility in building society or country. In order to fulfill this responsibility smoothly, men as well as women should be educated in action-oriented education, which is related to their life and work methods. Napoleon said that “give me a teacher mother and I will give you a civilized nation” . In order to make the world more beautiful and unspoiled, it is absolutely necessary for everyone to study and practise, that is, to acquire education, without distinguishing between men and women and even any person. Because a nation can never be completed educated women.

Female Education composition


Education is the back of a nation.The prosperity of a country mainly depends on the education of her population. About 50% of the total population of a country is female. Any country cannot expect her prosperity avoiding this large part of population. A man or woman without education leads the life of a lower animal.

Necessity of female Education

It is impossible to do everything in life only by men. They need the help of women. In that case,  female education is necessary in many ways. Firstly, women have some special responsibilities and duties. Education is very necessary to do their duties properly. Without education all their prospective faculties will be crippled, Secondly, every woman is a potential mother.

Education of children greatly depends upon its mother. In that case, an educated mother would be able to bring up her child better than an uneducated mother. Thirdly, social responsibilities should also be improbed between men and women. In conjugal life a woman can help her husband. For this context a woman has to be educated. Otherwise she should not be able to understand her responsibilities of family.Besides, women of present society are very neglected.To avoid negligence women should be educated.    

View against female education

There are some people who are strongly against to the female education. They think that women’s only duty is to do household affairs, rearing children and ministering to the comfort of their male partners. For this reason, they say that it is useless to educate women. 

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Female education is the condition for the development of a nation

Our country is a over populated country. About eighty percent of the population are women in our country. So if a country want to become development so all women must be educated. To keep uneducated all the women in our country it is quite impossible to reach in the root of development. The rights of women have been made equelly in our country and majority women are keeping their contributions with the male in home and abroad in various kinds of sectors to keep development for a nation.So women are working hard to keep hand to hand in every sphere of our life to make a development nation. 

Female education makes a civilized nation

Female education makes a civilized nation. Without the educated women we can not hope for a civilized nation for this reason Nepolian said, ” Give me an educated mother I shall give you a civilized nation”. So to keep uneducated of our women a nation can not see the dream of development.   

Female education is the driving force of a nation

Women are the part and parcel of our nation.Without the education of women our nation will be blind totally. The women have kept their statements in all sectors to build up a development nation and we can not deny it anyhow. Besides without the education of women our nation will be ruined one day.

Female education is the source of our hopes and aspirations

Our all hopes and aspirations depend on the female education . Without the education of women we can not fulfil of our hopes and aspirations In our national life . So where there is female education there is our new hopes and aspirations.

A happy family depends on female education

we are social being. Family is our  the best nest in our social life and  women are our queens in our family. Without the educated women we can not imagine of our family life on earth for a moment.So to construct a happy and peaceful family the educated women are compulsory. An educated woman leads a family in the way of happy and prosperity.

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We can not think of the progress of our country avoiding our female.So all the necessary steps should be taken to encourage female education for the survival of our nation .It is a matter of joy that our government has already taken different steps for the expansion of female education in our country.

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