Drug Addiction Paragraph in 150, 200, 250, 300 Words | Class 6-12

Drug Addiction Paragraph

Drug Addiction Paragraph | If you’re looking for a Drug Addiction Paragraph, the Paragraphs BD website is the place for you.

We all know the terrible effects of drug addiction. It’s affecting our overall country’s growth. So, it is essential to be aware of this to overcome the problem. 

In this article, we’ve shared some paragraphs on Drug Addiction. Here, you can learn about the Drug Addiction Paragraph in 150, 200, 250, and 300 Words. Our writing is suitable for all the students of class 6 to 12 candidates. You can use them in your examinations to get better marks.

In our paragraphs, we will answer the following questions:

  • What is drug addiction?
  • What causes drug addiction?
  • What are the signs and symptoms of drug addiction?
  • How does drug addiction affect the body and mind?
  • What are the social and personal consequences of drug addiction?
  • What treatment options are available for drug addiction?
  • How can family and friends support someone with drug addiction?
  • What prevention strategies can reduce the risk of drug addiction?

So, let’s start learning your desired paragraph:

Drug Addiction Paragraph 150 words (Class 6-7)

Drug addiction is a curse of modern civilization. It is now a global problem all over the world. Drug addiction has grasped the young generations in our country. Frustrations are the main causes of this drug addiction. Again some take drugs as a pursuit of pleasure and later on it turns into an addition. The drugs are very expensive. In order to arrange money, their addicts commit many kinds of social crimes like stealing, hijacking, looting, plundering etc.

Drug addiction has a fatal effect on the human body. People feel drowsy and lose appetite. The poisonous effect of drugs may damage the human brain and all internal functions of the body. The addicts feel intensive pain in their body. The treatment of the drug addicts is very expensive and difficult. The drug problem has become very acute in our country.

Recently, Bangladesh is often used as a transit of transmission of drug from one country to another by the international drug amugglers . The remedies for drug addiction are not very easy. All concerned should create awareness at personal and family levels against the dangerous impact of drug addiction. Supplies should be banned and punished strictly. When each and every person will be sincere to drive the curse of drug addiction from our society, then we can get rid of it.

Drug addiction paragraph for Class 8, 9 in 200 words

Drug is usually used as medicine to cure diseases. But sometimes it is used by some people for stimulating effect. This habit of taking harmful drugs is called drug addiction. Heroine, opium, morphin, cocaine, phensidyl etc. are some of the drugs. The person who once starts taking drugs cannot stop taking it anyhow in his life. There are some causes behind people getting addicted to these harmful drugs. Some people take drugs to forget their painful past or memories in their life. Some people take drugs in pursuit of pleasure. There are some people who at first take drugs as fun but it turns into an addition later on.

The aftermath of drug addiction is very acute and despicable. The health of the addict starts deteriorating day by day. The addicts lose their mental power and courage totally. They feel drowsy and lose appetite to eat the foods regularly. They lose their social status and love of their near and dear ones as well. In the long run various kinds of fatal diseases grasp them in their future.

They suffer from amnesia, insomnia, nausea, physical weaknesses, high blood pressure and many other lethal diseases in their entire life. Their kidneys and livers also get damaged. Besides, drug addiction is not only a national problem but also a global issue too. So, it should be stopped by any wayes. We can save ourselves from it by self consciousness, by keeping ourselves aloof from bad companies and by being strict minded against it as early as possible from our country.

Drug Addiction Paragraph for SSC/ Class 10 (250 Words)

At present drug addiction is almost a common picture in Bangladesh, and the number of the addict is increasing by leaps and bounds. The black claw of drugs has infiltrated many areas of the country. So drug addiction can be compared to a plague that finishes our lives indiscriminately. An irresistible attention for some noxious things may be referred to as addiction and the materials which cause intoxication are called drugs. Drugs can be taken in two ways, through injection and by smoking. In fact, the impact of pseudo – culture has misled a section of youth to find unemployment.

Abject poverty, lack of social security, lack of any particular aim – all these are other causes for frustrations among the addict. At first a man generally takes drugs out of curiosity, then very soon he developes the dangerous habit of taking drugs in their life. In this way, one addict creates another one irrespective of male female. There are no advantages in drug addiction. It has unmixed disadvantages, various intricate diseases are a fatal result of drug addiction. It carries the addicts to an unreal world of dreams in their personal life.

The poisonous reaction of the drug damages the brain, impairs the internal functions of the human body and ultimately, leads the addicts to death. In addition, drugs make a nation crippled by presenting multifarious diseases. Drug addiction must be thwarted to build up a sound nation. Drug businessmen must be penalized by enforcing the existing laws in our country. The guardians must be aware of their children’ s future. Our Government should set up more rehab centers to give active services to a greater number of addicts anyhow. A countrywide camping should be undertaken immediately against the drug addiction. So to get rid of the terrible menace of drugs, people of all spheres should come forward with the slogan, ” No drug, no ultimately death.”

Drug Addiction Paragraph for HSC/ Class 12 (300 words)

Drug addiction is a profound and complex issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Drug addiction involves a strong urge to keep using drugs even when they cause harm. This urge can come from different factors, like genetics, mental health issues, trauma, or pressure from friends.

Spotting drug addiction isn’t easy. But it has some common signs, such as big mood swings, withdrawing from loved ones, and ignoring work or home duties.

Read More : Duties of a student composition for Class 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12 and Degree, Hons

The impact of drug addiction on an individual is very dangerous. It affects our body and mind in many ways. Physically, drug use can lead to serious health issues. Like- heart disease, respiratory problems, and infectious diseases. Mentally, addiction can trigger or worsen conditions like anxiety, depression, and paranoia. It makes recovery even more difficult. The personal and social consequences are equally alarming. They frequently lead to broken relationships, job loss, and legal troubles, further isolating the individual.

Treatment options for drug addiction are different. They include counseling sessions. There are specialized rehabilitation programs tailored to individual needs. Treatment plans also include medications to help in recovery. Family and friends are essential in helping someone with addiction. They can be supportive and encourage them to seek professional help.

Additionally, ways to prevent drug addiction include educating communities about the dangers of drugs and building solid and supportive relationships. That can help us to lower the risk of addiction. By solving/ tackling the primary causes and providing the necessary support, we can help individuals achieve healthier, drug-free lives.

Drug addiction paragraph for class Degree (Pass) & Hon’s in 350 words

Drug addiction is a kind of intoxicating element that affects the nervous system of our body seriously. Drug addiction means a strong addiction for a drug which the addict cannot resist. Narcotics like opium, morphine, heroine, marijuana, cocaine etc. are used by the addicted. These drugs are used for their intoxicating, tranquilising, stimulating effects. If a person gets addicted to any of these once, he cannot go without them. Drugs had a  terrible effectd on the human body.

They may affect the in their brain and all internal functions of the body. Sudden withdrawal of drugs is more dangerous. The addicts feel intense pain in their body. They sweat heavily vomit. The treatment of drug addiction is very expensive and difficult in the world. Drug addiction is a curse for our digital civilization. Drugs lead youngsters to go astray and destroy many valuable and beautiful lives . There are some reasons for drug addiction such as frustrations, association, availability of intoxicant, unemployment, failure in love, degradation of religious values, lack of family ties etc.

When a young person fails in a completely hopeless situation, drugs allure him easily. Sometimes young boys and girls come in contact with drugs out of curiosity and desires. Drug addiction creates social problems. Narcotics are very expensive. So the addicted person often goes for stealing, hijacking and all sorts of misdeeds to procure money. He can, in no circumstances, refrain from taking drugs. He tries to have it at any cost. It aids him to see strange things that have no existence at all to him. the family remain in danger and tension for his misdeeds. The fate of the addict is serious. He died a painful death losing character. He becomes a burden not only for the family but also for the nation and the society.

The remedes for drug addiction are not very easy. Drug addiction is not only a national but also a international problem. To save our young generations from the drug addiction the Government and all the educated people should come forward with the necessary remedies. All the strong measurements should be taken to stop the production and trafficking of drugs. Strict watches should be kept on the borders from where drugs are smuggled in. The police and the vigilant teams should be deployed in the drug – taking areas for its prevention. 

Sufficient clinics should be established to cure drug victims. Drug addiction is an acute problem in our country. It is a bane that causes fatal diseases. So some people, Govt and non – Govt agencies conscious youth organizations should come forward to fight against it and save our young generations from its devastating effects. The drug business is punishable and the highest punishment is the death penalty in Bangladesh. So if we want to save our future generations from the dangerous claw of drug addiction, we should enforce all  the laws to check it from our country as soon as possible.

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