Dowry system Paragraph is a fatal disease in our society. It usually happens in our society. It is enlisted in our educational curriculum and we insire to the students to write about its advantages and disadvantages in our society. So we have presented an important and excellent paragraph to all the beloved students so that they can write it very easily in their institutional competitive examinations.
Dowry System Paragraph for class 6 to 8 in 150 words:
Dowry is a special curse that has spread all over our country. Dowry system refers to the custom, in some societies, where a wife or her family must pay money or property or both to her husband when they get married. The money or the property that is given is known as dowry in our country.
This abominable system is very disgraceful for any woman of self – respect in our society. Women are the victims of this heinous system. The whole family of the bride has to suffer because the parents or brothers of the bride are to arrange the money to give it to the bridegroom or to his family. So Socio economic, cultural and religious factors are responsible for this detestable system. In many societies, it is established as a social norm, and they have accepted it normally.
A poor husband wants to get a sum of money from his in – laws to start a business or to meet his other needs in his life. In our societies, it is a culture to give and take dowry. But Islam does not support taking or giving dowry in muslim society. The Hindu law withdraws the right of a woman on her paternal property when she gets married. That is why, she along with her husband does not hesitate to take dowry.
Due to this system, the father’s family of a bride often goes bankrupt. Dowry system also demeans women. A social awareness against the dowry system is a must to ban this evil practice. The conscious and respected people should come forward to check it. The government should enforce strict laws against this system.
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Dowry system paragraph for class SSC in 200 words:
Dowry is a curse in our social life. This system is very harmful to society. Many innocent women fall victim to dowry system and their lives become miserable and full of sadness. This dowry system has been prevalent for many years among the Hindus society.
The Hindu women cannot inherit their paternal property after marriage. That is why, cash money, various ornaments, goods, dresses, etc. are given in their marriage ceremony. This evil tradition is established in Muslim society day after day. Many men marry women for the greed of their property and if they are unable to get these, they torture to the women.
Many times, as a consequent of this, the girls take the decision of suicide or they are killed by their husbands or others. There are some women who go back to their father’s home forever. There is no doubt about the necessity of removing the dowry system. To abolish this system, the government has enacted strict law.
Yet dowry is continuing and the women are suffering. We have to try to put an end to this system from our society. We should protect women from the curse of dowry and everybody, both male and female, of the society should be conscious of this matter in our country as early as possible.
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Dowry System Paragraph for class HSC in 250 words:
Nowadays the horrible social aspect that holds the prominent talk in different dailies is the curse of the dowry system. Many young married girls have become victims of it. Some newly married daughters are maltreated and tortured by their husbands for the reason of dowry. Dowry system originated in the society through feeling of inferiority for womanhood. It is really a shame that we are approaching a grim chapter of modern civilization.
Dowry system has virtually turned women into the inferior beings and commodities. Newly married women are subjugated and humiliated by their husbands for the non – payment or deferred payment of dowry. That is why, it becomes a cancerous spot in the body of the society and social organizations are breaking down due to this animality. Like other undeveloped, feudal and backward societies the women folk of Bangladesh also remain at low graded life. The main cause is women’s feeble participation in the national economy.
Actually man’s financial ability and independence is inseparably connected to any kind of prestige. The women of Bangladesh are not economically independent and they are dependent on the males for many causes. Women of the two religions – Hindus and Muslims of Bangladesh are the victims of this disparity in the hereditary laws. They suffer much from financial incapacity due to this discrepancy.
Again male dominated society where the clutches of so – called dowry system exists till now deprives women of their basic human rights and individuality. Besides, to stop women’s oppression through the dowry system is the prime job of all conscious people now. To tackle the dowry system and women oppression, application of law is very important. In our country, two laws are existing at present, such as: Dowry prohibition Act, 1980 and the cruelty to Women Deterrent Punishment Ordinance, 1983.
In these laws there are strict provisions of punishment for handing and taking of dowries, women oppression and women trafficking day by day. So impartial judicial measures are to be taken in all spheres. Moreover, social camping, protest and prevention programmes of different public and private organizations should be launched urgently against the dowry system.
The need for women education and employment of educated women should be stressed in their life. After all, poverty alleviation and drive against ignorance and prejudices are the preconditions of fighting against the dowry system. Otherwise, to save women from the curse of the dowry system is a burning issue. Women should be given due right and social status by removing the inhuman convention of dowry system.
For this man and woman of all walks of life along with women movement should to come forward. So long as the very social disease like dowry system is not abolished, our women will not enjoy due feminine rights. Anti – dowry camping should be started and people should be made aware of the evils of dowry.
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Dowry System Paragraph for class Degree ( pass) & Hon’s in 350 words:
Dowry is a special course that has spread all over our country. Dowry system refers to the custom, in some societies, where a wife or her family must pay money or property or both to her husband and when they get married. The money or the property that is given is known as dowry in our country. This abominable system is very disgraceful for any self – respect. Women are the victims of this heinous system in our country.
The whole family of the bride has to suffer because parents or brothers of the bride are to arrange the money to give it to the bridegroom or to his family. Socio – economic, cultural and religious factors are responsible for this detestable system in our social life. In some societies, it is established as a social custom, and they have accepted it normally.
A poor husband wants to get some money from his in – laws to start a business or to meet his other needs. In some societies it is a heinous culture to give and take dowry. But Islam does not support taking or giving dowry in our country at all. The Hindu law withdraws the right of a woman of her paternal property when she gets married in our country. That is why, she along with her husband does not hesitate to take dowry.
Due to this system, the father’s family of a bride often goes bankrupt in our country. Dowry system also demeans women in our country. A social awareness against dowry is a must to ban this evil practice in our country. So conscious and respected people should come forward to check it from our country and the government should take some necessary steps to eradicate it from our whole country as soon as possible so we can get rid of this heinous curse in our national life.
Dowry System FAQ
The dowry system is a harmful cultural practice where the bride’s family gives money, goods, or property to the groom’s family as part of the marriage arrangement, or the groom’s family pressures the bride’s family to provide these. This practice can often place the bride’s family in difficult situations, leading to significant social and economic strain. It is considered a social ill.
The dowry system is a major issue in Bangladeshi society and a primary source of injustice and abuse towards women. To stop the dowry system, it is crucial to enforce the highest laws and increase awareness efforts.
Dowry system ia s heinous custom in our socety and it a curse in our social life. It kills the valuable life of our women in our society and it creat some miss understanding in our socieyty.
The slogan of the dowry system is” Hate the dowry and save the women”
The dowry system in islam is quitely haram and holy islam has forbidden it in our society and it is a great sin in the eye of islam.
The terms of dowry are a huge amount of money or currency are given to the bridegroom party from the father of bride and some financial donation from the bride party.

Taher Mahmud is a dedicated teacher and blogger who has achieved great success in his work field. He was born to parents of Mashuk ahmed and Fathema begum and grew up with the love for learning and exploration. After completing his Bachelor’s degree. He is interested in Computer Writings, Designing & internet browsing etc. Moreover, I practice English with my beloved friend MD. Abdul QUDDUS & computer with my friend a smart blogger & designer MD.Juyel Ahmed Liton.
This is our small effort thinking about the young students and the source of good guidence.