covid 19 paragraph for Class 6 to 12, degree & Hon’s

Covid 19 paragraph

Covid 19 paragraph : Covid 19 paragraph is a serious pandemic affecting all over the whole world. Almost all is affected by it. The virus changes from time to time with ti’s new veriant. Covid-19 has brought drastic changes in the way of human life. Due to Covid-19 Economies and education systems around the world suffered greatly. In recent time The Covid-19 paragraph is important forall classes of students.

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  • covid 19 paragraph for class 10
  • covid 19 paragraph for ssc
  • covid 19 paragraph in english 200 words
  • covid 19 paragraph 150 words
  • covid 19 paragraph 100 words

COVID 19 Paragraph 250 words for class 11 & 12

COVID stands for ‘ Coronavirus Disease ‘. Since the disease was first detected in china in December 2019, it is termed ‘COVID- 19’. It’s a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by SARS – COV – 2. Coronavirus spreads through close contact with an infected person.When an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, the virus comes out from his nose and mouth in droplets. If a healthy person inhales, the droplets, he will be infected.

The virus gets into one’s respiratory system from one’s contaminated hands, through one’s nose, mouth or eyes The people with COVID-19 may have a wide range of symptoms which may appear in two to fourteen days after the exposure to the virus.

The symptoms include – fever, dry cough, tiredness, loss of taste or smell, muscle aches, headache, so re throat, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhoea, shortness of breath and pneumonia etc. COVID – 19 can cause the death of people who have hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, chronic respiratory disease, cancer, etc. So far a number of Corona vaccines have been invented: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinopharm, Sinovac, Sputnik V, Janssen etc.  However, these vaccines cannot ensure complete protection from COVID-19.

So, it is important to strictly practice respiratory etiquette and personal hygiene to prevent COVID-19. Washing hands with soap and water, using hand sanitizer, wearing masks, covering mouth and nose with elbows or a tissue while sneezing and coughing may reduce the chance of getting or spreading the virus. Moreover ,people may need to maintain home quarantine if necessary, and social distance at least 3 feet should be maintained until the virus is defeated completely. Besides being vaccinated, we can make our immune system stronger by following the health rules, taking nutritious food, drinking a lot of liquid and doing light exercise.

COVID 19 Paragraph 200 words for class 9 & 10

COVID means Coronavirus Disease . It first infected humans in 2019. Coronavirus primarily spreads through the physical contact and respiratory droplets. People with COVID-19 may have a widespread number of symptoms. These may make in two to fourteen days after the exposure to the virus. The common signs are fever, dry cough, tiredness, loss of fast or smell, running nose, vomiting, diarrhoea, sore throat etc.

The people may experience worsened symptoms like acute shortness of breath and pneumonia. Older people and those with under lying medical problems such as heart disease, diabetes chronic respiratory disease and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Scientists around the world have invented a number of vaccines in order to boost up our immune system for fighting against coronavirus all over the world in our present world. Some of them are Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Sinopharm, Sinovac etc.

Though Bangladesh has invented a vaccine named Bangavax, it is yet to be applied on human bodies. Besides, Molnupiravir was the first oral medicine for COVID -19 , is now available in our country. Still, preventive measures are the best way to stay safe from COVID-19. While going out we must wear masks to cover our nose and mouth very well.

We should thoroughly and regularly clean our hands with an alcohol – based rub or wash them with soap and water. We should avoid touching the face, nose, and eyes with a tissue or by elbow. In addition to that, we should maintain our social distance of minimum 3 feet. Anyone with the possible symptoms must be isolated in order to avoid close contact with others. Therefore, staying safe from COVID-19 mostly depends on our personal hygiene.

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COVID 19 Paragraph 150 words for class 6,7 & 8

The meaning of “COVID ” is Coronavirus Disease all over the world. Coronavirus is a pandemic life fatal disease which has snatched thousands of life all over the world. Especially, it originated from China in December 2019. Coronavirus Disease is contagious All over the world.

The common symptoms of Coronavirus Disease  such as, fever, tiredness, dry cough, muscls aches, head ache, sore throat, vomiting,runny nose, diarrhoea etc. All these symptoms will be seen on the affected people all over the world. All the medicine specialists have invented all the vaccines for fighting against coronavirus all over the world. To apply all the vaccines in the human body we can save and protect ourselves from the fatal coronavirus. The names of invented vaccines are Sputnik V, Sinovac, Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca etc .

Besides, Bangladesh has also invented a vaccine and it is named ” Bangavax” after researching and all efforts the medicine specialists of our country. But It is yet to be used on human bodies in our country. I must use masks to cover our mouth and nose while we go out. We should regularly clean our hands with an alcohol – based hand rub or wash with soap and pure water all the time in our daily life.

We should keep our social distance minimum 3 feet. should avoid touching the face and nose so that the virus cannot touch our body anyhow. Moreover, this pandemic virus has already affected millions of people all over the world, either socially, economically or psychologically. So still, we are hopeful and continuously fighting against it in every possible way all over the world. Besides, we should remain careful and try to prevent it anyhow from the world for every day.

COVID 19 Paragraph 350 words for class Degree & Hon’s

COVID – 19 is a fearing world for all over the world. At first it appeared in China in 2019 . The meaning of COVID – 19 is Coronavirus Disease. After originating it from China then it spread in every corner of the world. Any country did not escape from the ferocious claw of Coronavirus. When an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, the virus comes out through the mouth and nose in droplets easily. If a sane and healthy person inhales the droplets of others, he will be infected by it.

The virus gets into one’s respiratory system from one’s contaminated hands, through the nose, mouth or eyes. People with coronavirus may have a widespread number of symptoms which may be found in tow to fourteen days after the exposure to the coronavirus all over the world. The symptoms are fever, dry cough, muscle aches, head ache, sore throat, running nose, vomiting, diarrhoea, shortness of breath and Pneumonia etc.

Coronavirus can cause the death of people who have hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, chronic respiratory disease etc. So the vaccines of coronavirus have been invented by scientists of the world and they are Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Sputnik V, Sinopharm etc. Moreover, these vaccines cannot ensure the complete protection from Coronavirus at all. That is why, it is most important to properly use respiratory etiquette and personal hygiene to prevent Coronavirus.

Again washing hands with soap and fresh water, using hand sanitizer, put on mask , covering mouth and nose strictly during the time of going out from the houses. While sneezing and coughing an elbow or a tissue may be used for whipping our face clearly. Moreover, people may need to maintain home quarantine they are affected by it, and social distance of at least 3 feet should be maintained from each other until the virus is defeated totally.

Besides, being vaccinated, we can make our immune system very strong by following the rules of health and sanitation, taking nutritious food, drinking a lot of liquid fresh water and taking light physical Exercise regularly. We have to avoid moving here and there recklessly without a mask in our mouth. Again we have to keep our houses and all the using things neat and clean regularly. To avoid coronavirus we have to drink colorful tea to mix with ginger, lemon and some salt in it. The people awareness should be risen day by day in all over the world.

Besides, The Government has also provided support to common people to reduce their suffering. Many people have already lost their jobs, RMG sector, banking and financing, export – oriented enterprises, heavy and small industries – all have faced heavy loss due to pandemic COVID – 19. The Government has provided subsidies to help them services all over the world. Our academic system has also suffered much from COVID -19.

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Our all the academic institutions were closed totally day after day only for the acute threat of coronavirus. Hence, the Government had adopted some strategies like online classes so that the students could remain in touch with education. Besides, the Government of our country has reopened all the schools and colleges in the whole country from 12 September in 2021 after a closure of around 18 months.

To sum up, despite being a developing country with limited resources our country is fighting against the corona war with courage and farsightedness. For the time being it can be said that the coronavirus was a great threat and destruction for all over the world. So we shoul byd prevent it with all our efforts with the Government of our country and we became aware of COVID-19 in our entire life.

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