Computer Paragraph – for class 6 to hon’s and degree

Computer Paragraph

If you search for “Computer Paragraph”, then the website is the right place. Computer Paragraph is important for candidates of Class 6 to hon’s & degree pass. We have presented here the Computer Paragraph for class 6 to 12 students. Hope our 5th 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, SSC, and HSC students will benefit from this article. So, let’s begin-

Computer Paragraph for class 6 to 8 in 150 words: 

Computer is the most wonderful invention of modern science. It is an ultra – modern electric device of modern technology. But it has no ability to do anything by itself. It works on the basis of commands given by the operators. It can solve many sophisticated problems within a short time. Computer was invented by the hard work of many scientists. Charles Bavez is called the father of modern computers.

He invented the structure of computers at first in 1833. His invented computer had five parts. These were Store, Mill, Control, Input and Output. By following the structure of computer of Bavez, Harvard university and I.B.M company combindly invented the modern electric computer in1944. After that, it has been rapidly modified and many other computers have been invented. A computer performs three functions. It receives data, processes it and at last emits it. 

At first the details of work are put into the input of the computer. It is called programmes. The computer does not work in our language. So the programmes are to be input into its own language. This programmes are typed and produced in the tele – type unit of the information input. The output prints of the results with the help of the printing machine. Computers are very useful to us. It is used in our daily life for different purposes. It has made a great change in education. 

The students of developed countries use computers to prepare their study materials regularly. The results of various examinations are prepared accurately by computer within a short time. So the computer contributes a lot to education. Besides, computers are used to diagnose very complicated diseases. A new process of operation is invented by computers as an alternative to surgery. This computer is used to grind stones in normal pathological tests. 

Now – a – days computers are used to prepare documents and budget to store information. The price of currency and price of any share can be known instantly by digital computer. At present, computer is used to run mills, factories and industries in developing countries. Cars, trains and planes are also led by the computer. In Spite of having uncounted merits of computers, it also has some demerits. It weakens the eyesight of the operators. 

The computer is a blessing of digital science. We cannot go a single moment without computer. It lessens our works hours and makes our lives easy and simple. But it has not been fully started in Bangladesh. So we should use it throughout Bangladesh.

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Computer Paragraph for class SSC in 200 words: 

Computer is an ultra modern electric device for storing and analyzing information fed into it. It has no capacity to do anything itself. It works on the basis of commands given by the operators. The invention of the computer has a long history. Computer was not interested overnight. It took a long time and hard labor Ato invent it. 

A computer consists of five major components. These are the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit, and the arithmetic unit. The major part of the computer is the central processing Unit. Monitor and keyboard. Monitor works like a TV screen. The part called the mouse may surprise Anwar but it is not a real mouse. It is called so because of its existing. 

One can do different things by clicking on the icons with the mouse. A computer performs three functions. Firstly, it receives data, Secondly, it processes data by various computations and the last is that it emits data. Every computer has a machine language of its own and accordingly it works speedy. Machine language is not fixed. It varies from machine to machine. Computers are of great use to us. It renders great services to mankind all over the world. 

It is like Aladdin’s magic lamp. It has lessened our work loads, saved out time and energy and made our life easy and comfortable. We cannot go a single moment without a computer in our life. It is a part and parcel of our daily life so everybody should learn and use it promptly all over the world in our digital and international technological world.

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Computer Paragraph for class HSC in 250 words: 

A computer is an electric machine that can – quickly do calculations, store, rearrange and retrieve information, or control other machines within seconds is called a computer. Its main feature is speedy and accuracy. Charles Bavez is called the father of modern computers. He invented the structure of computers at first in 1833. 

His invented computer had five parts such as Store, Mill, Control, Input and Output. By following the structure of computers of Charles Bavez, Harvard university and IBM company combindly invented the modern electric computer in 1944. After this, it has been rapidly modified and many other computers have been invented all over the world. The computer does not work its own language but it works by the language of its operators. 

Computers are being used in the education sector. Computer education has been introduced at school, college and at the University level all over the world. The results of admission tests and various kinds of examinations are published within seconds because of computers all over the world. The use of computers in commerce is remarkable. Computers has occupied the entire commercial sectors in all developed countries all over the world. 

Our country has also introduced computers in banks, private and government offices. Moreover, computers are playing a vital role in airlines, shops, laboratories, hospitals, libraries and other places. It is also used to prepare electric bills, record telephone conversations, send reminders to others and what not all over the world. Besides, in the field of medical science diagnosis and printing technology, computerized machines are doing wonders throughout the world.All sophisticated operations are completed by a computer. 

All the cars, trains, planes are run by the computer all over the world. The usefulness of computers has been immense in the present world. It is totally understood that the developments are impossible without the introduction of computers in every sphere of our digital life. Computers dominate every sphere of a man’s life. We cannot imagine our digital life without computers. Finally, we have to admit that computer is changing our lifestyle. It will bring about a revolutionary change in our near future.

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Computer Paragraph for class Degree (pass) Hon’s in 350 words: 

Computer is one of the wonder of digital science. It is a fairly recent invention of digital technology. It has now become an essential part of digital life. It has greatly benefited us and brought about revolutionary changes in our life. It has made our way of life easy and less complicated all over the world. Any device that helps people performs mathematical calculations may be called a computer.

A computer is basically a processor of information. In 1937 Mr. Howard Akin, an American scientist invented such a machine that could do difficult sums and it is called the computer. Today, however the term ‘ Computer’ refers a special kind of electronic machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at a great speed. In a a few minutes a computer can perform calculations that trained mathematicians would need years to do. 

A computer consists of five major components and these are the input and output, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit and the arithmetic unit. A computer performs three functions, Firstly, it receives data. Secondly, it processes data by various computations, Thirdly, it emits data. Every computer has a machine language of its own and accordingly it works. The machine language varies from machine to machine. 

Modern Day digital computers are of four types and these are micro computers, mini computers, mainframe computers and supercomputers, each varying in physical size, speed, processing capabilities, memory size, disk – storage capacity and cost. Computers come in many different forms also. It is not only a monitor and CPU( Central Processing Unit). Embedded systems such as ones In the washing machine or air – conditioners are also computers designed to do a single specific task rapidly. 

Expert systems which are capable of emulating human reasoning and Artificial intelligence are also other forms of computer systems. Moreover, computer can be used in various sections. It is widely used in banks, insurance companies, educational institutions for data storage, processing and output. Computers are also used for communications, air traffic control, navigation of ships and aircraft. It has brought new speed and accuracy to weather forecasting. In the field of medical diagnosis and printing computers are doing wonders all over the world. 

At present this machine has enabled mankindds of miles away sitting in this room through the glass screen of his monitor by using a TV- card in this computer. Nowadays computers can perform many complicated tasks. It can run business, play chess, and even compose music. So many people call the computer an electronic brain all over the world. A new developing section of computer technology is robotics derived from the word ‘ robotnik’ meaning slave. 

As the name implies, they are made to help human in their tasks, especially the dangerous and hard ones. Until now, the uses of robots have been very limited, most commonly in car factories. But by the end of the century, it is expected that the use of robots would be worldwide. Moreover, computer has made our life easier and enjoyable day by day. It has brought for mankind such comforts ad a man can never dream of even in a fairy land. It is the latest miracle that has brought a revolution in the application of science for the benefit of mankind all over the world.So we should to learn and use computer in all sectors throughout our life.

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