A street Hawker paragraph for all classes of students

A street Hawker paragraph

A street Hawker paragraph|In this article, we have written down A street Hawker paragraph in 150, 200, 250, and 350 words. Our writings are suitable to use for all the students of class 6 to Hon’s candidates.

A street Hawker paragraph for class 6 to 8 in 150 words

A man who sells various things by moving from street to street is called a street Hawker. He is a self employed person in our society. He is the most familiar figure in the cities and towns in our country. In a village, he is also seen in everywhere regularly in day time. He wears a peculiar dress of different colors and make peculiar sound to draw attention of his customers in the road . His work is tiresome but he feels happy by doing it regularly in his daily life. He carries his all the materials on his head, sometimes on his head and hand , sometimes in a bag or in a small handcart. He generally buys his goods at a very cheaper rate and sells them at a good profit all day long under the sun and rain without talking any rest. 

His all the articles are mainly attractive or beautiful to the women and children. He usually sells toys, cosmetics, ready – made garments, utensils, sweets, ribbons, fruits etc. He sells all the goods to the customers in n very cheap rate in his daily life. Generally, in the absence of the housemasters he comes to sell goods in door to door all day long. Although he works hard, his life is very miserable and the full of sorrow and sadness. Especially, a street Hawker leads very easy and simple life and he lives in a tiny broken house anyhow in his struggling life. All most all the time he leads a subhuman life. So we should to respect him Inspite of becoming a street Hawker in our society. 

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A street Hawker paragraph for class SSC in 200 words

A street Hawker is a common sight in the streets of big cities and towns in our country. A hawker sells his goods with interesting cries in order to draw the attention of his customers in the street every day. He knows the art of convincing all the customers in the streets in our country. Generally puts on a peculiar dress and comes out in the streets and makes a peculiar sound for drawing attention to the customers in the streets all day long. He buys the goods with low prices and sell them in the streets very cheap prices in the streets. He sells all the attractive and fancy goods to the women and children in the streets. 

He movers street to street under the sun and rain all day long without any umbrella in his hands. Especially, he carries his all the goods on his head, shoulder and in his hands in the streets. He generally offers toys, fruits, vegetables, biscuits, ice – cream, cakes, clothes, utensils etc. in the daily street. On the other hand, there is another kinds of hawkers who buy newspapers, blank pots, old books, worn out clothes from the houses. However, all the children are fond of hawkers but men do not like him usually in our country in the streets.

Besides, a street Hawker leads a very simple life and his life is full of sorrow and sadness but he does not share it with anybody in our society. He lives in a little cottage anyhow. For the time being it can be told that a street Hawker is our neighbor, friend and relative so we should respect him in our society because he serves us with his selling goods and other social services in our social life. 

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A street Hawker paragraph for class HSC in 250 words

A street Hawker is a person who buys and sells goods in the streets all day long called a street Hawker. A street Hawker lives in a slum or in cottage in our country. He rises from his bed early in the morning and takes his breakfast with some sticky rice. Then puts on his peculiar dress and takes all goods with him . He carries al the goods on his head, shoulder and in his 

hands. He moves street to street making a peculiar sound for drawing attention the women and children. Especially, he buys toys, playing dolls , ice – cream, peanut, cakes, clothes and various kinds of goods in the streets all day long. He sells them in the streets under the sun and rain without any umbrella in his hands. 

Sometimes, he takes rest under the shady trees for taking rest for a few minutes. All the women and children like him because he sells their choiceable goods to go in door to door or street to street. Moreover, there is another kinds of street Hawker in our country, generally he buys old papers , plastic bottles, useless irons and worn out clothes in the streets. Besides, it is matter of interesting that he sings various kinds of songs in the streets so that ha can draw the attention of passers- by –  in the streets. 

The life of a street Hawker is very painful pathetic in our society because he has to live with hand to mouth in the society. He can gather or save money for the future in his life. That is why cannot see any colorful dreams in his life. Moreover, a street Hawker is our relative,  friend and neighbor in our society. So we should not hate him but we should respect and help him in our society because he catters his good services to buy goods in our streets and society throughout his entire life.

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A street Hawker paragraph for class Degree ( pass) & Hon’s in 350 words

A street Hawker is a familiar figure who sells various kinds of things traveling street to street is called a street Hawker. A street Hawker lives in a small cottage or in a broken house in our society. He gets up early in the morning from sleeping, then he takes a light breakfast and wears his uniform, then starts selling goods in the streets. 

He carries all the goods on his head, shoulder and in n his hands. A street Hawker is liked by the women and children in our society. Especially, he sells cosmetics, peanuts, toys , cakes etc . He always tries to sell all the attractive and fancy goods to the customers in the streets. He takes a flute in his hands for draw attention to the customers all day long. He sells goods in the streets from dawn to dusk without any rest under the sun and rain. 

He does not take any umbrella in his hands for protection from the sun or rain in the streets. Besides, there is another kind of street Hawker in our country and he buys old papers, plastic bottles, and old iron instruments from the streets in our country. Moreover, a street Hawker drives a very simple and easy life. He does not have any confirmed dream in his turmoil life. Sometimes, he sings very attractive songs in the streets to gather customers. 

Besides the life a street Hawker is full of sorrow and sadness in his life but sometimes there is no bounds of his happiness in his life. After remaining happy and sorrow in his life he goes forward by taking his daily struggling life but he does not collapse any danger in his hawkering life. As if a street Hawker is our brother, friend and next door neighbor, we should respect and help him in our society. In addition, the service of a street Hawker can be ignored anyhow and a street Hawker will remain ever fresh in our hearts after his death. So everybody, we should help and pray for him in our society so that he can confer his valuable selling service to us in the streets in our country. 

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