A Rainy Day Paragraph | Class 6 to 12, SSC, HSC & Hon’s

A Rainy Day Paragraph

If you’re searching for A Rainy Day Paragraph, then Paragraphsbd.com website is the right place for you. In this article, we have written down A Rainy Day Paragraph in 150, 200, 250, and 350 words. Our writings are suitable for all the students of class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 to Hon’s examination candidates.

A Rainy Day Paragraph for class 6 to 8 in 150 words

If it so incidence that it rains all day long. We call it a rainy day. In such a day, the sky remains cloudy and gloomy all day long. The sun is not seen at all. The day looks dull and hazy by the clouds in the sky. Sometimes, it rains heavily and sometimes it drizzles all day long from the sky. Often there are flashes and lightning and roars of thunders in the sky in a rainy day.

Birds are hardly be seen to fly in the nature. They keep standing on the branches of the trees. Cattle keep standing on their sheds all day long. In rainy day, people have to remain indoors. The roads become almost muddy and desolate. One cannot move from one place to another easily in a rainy day. One does not generally come out without compulsion. 

The poor suffer much in a rainy day. They cannot go out to earn their daily bread and butter. But it is a matter of great joy and happy to the students in n a rainy day because the classes are not held in a rainy day. Some people then spend their time in gossiping, playing at cards, singing or hearing songs to sit at their home all day long. After all, a rainy day gives us both joy and sadness. It comes to different classes people in different ways.

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A Rainy Day Paragraph for class SSC in 200 words

A rainy day is day which day remains cloudy and gloomy all day long is called a rainy day. I a rainy day the black clouds float on the sky and the cold air blows from the fom the north and southern sides all day long in rainy day. The sun is not seen in the sky and feel that the day has become a night. Sometimes, the sun hardly peeps through the clouds in the sky in a rainy day.

 All the environment looks hazy and damp all around of our atmosphere. It starts to rain heavily and it drizzles all day long from the sky  in a  rainy day. Often there are flesh and lightning and roars of thunders in the sky in a rainy day. Birds are hardly be seen to fly in the nature in a rainy day. They keep standing on the brunches of the trees. 

Cattle keep standing on their sheds all day long in a rainy day. In rainy day, people have to remain indoors. The roads become almost muddy and slippery and desolated all day long in a rainy day.One cannot move one place to another easily without an umbrella in their hands. One does not generally come out without Umbrella. The poor suffer much In a rainy day. They cannot go out to earn their money enough in a rainy day. 

But it is a matter of a great joy and happy to student and children because because the classes are not held in a rainy day. Besides, some people spend their time in gossiping, singing, playing at cards and hearing songs to sit in their homes lonely in a rainy day. The fishermen catch fishes to throw net on the rain water. Especially, the little children make  rafts  by the plantain trees and float them on water for going here and there and merry making in a rainy day. So rainy day is matter of happy and sad for all classes of people in our society.

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A Rainy Day Paragraph for class HSC in 250 words 

A rainy day is a day which day the rain falls torrently all day long is called a rainy day. In a rainy day sky remains covered by the blacky clouds and the sun cannot be seen anyhow. The cold air blows from everywhere in a rainy day. The nature remain gloomy and steady all around. Suddenly there are thunders in the sky with the vast sounds and the little pieces of ice fall from the sky with the torrent rain in a rainy day. 

Besides, a rainy day appeals differently to different people. It may be unpleasant to some people, but to others at times. The cattle remain their sheds and bellow and bleat in a rainy day. The people cannot go out from their house for working and they have to sit at their home all day long. Some of the people sit at their home and start to sing various kinds of songs, some people play cards,carrom, ludo etc to pass their leisure time in a  rainy day. 

The rainy day is source of joy and entertainment for the children and students because the school remain closed in a rainy day that is why they can play all their liking games to sit at their home. All the birds of the nature cannot fly here and there and cannot collect their foods from the nature. They sit on the branches of the trees to hide themselves in a rainy day. After raining torrently when it is flood the fishermen catch fishes to throw net on the raining water all day long they earn their bread and butter to sell fishes in the local market. 

Most of the people and animals die from the firing of acute thunder in the in a rainy day. The little people make rafts or boats by cutting plantain trees and move here and there on the rain water. The old people pass their leisure time gossiping with one another. All the communication and transportation becomes suspended in a rainy day. Especially, the supplying of electricity are greatly suspended in a rainy day. 

All the roads become muddy and slippery and some little children break their legs and hands to in the muddy water in a rainy day. Some rich people enjoy the rain by drinking tea, coffee and delicious food.  Even the day laborers idle away their time and they pass their idle time to gossip and watch Television in a rainy day all day long. Above all, rain is dull, idle, gloomy but enjoyable as well for all.

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A Rainy Day Paragraph for class Degree (pass) & Hon’s in 350 words

 A rainy day is a day which there is drizzling all day long is called a rainy day. A rainy the atmosphere remains cloudy, gloomy and dull.  The sky remains over cast by the clouds and the sun cannot peep anyhow In a rainy day. The birds cannot fly here and there searching their food. The cold air blows from the all sides in a rainy day. Sometimes, there are flashes and lightning and roars of thunder in the sky in a rainy day. 

The people of various kinds of duties cannot go out from their house for torrent rain in a rainy day. They sit at their home idly and they overcome their leisure to singing, gossiping, playing cards, carrom and chess at their home in a rainy day. Anybody else cannot go out without compulsion and taking an umbrella in their hands. The cattle suffer much in a rainy day because the stand in their sheds without any food all day long. The birds in the nature cannot fly and collect their foods from the nature In a rainy day. 

The monkeys start to jump from one tree to another tree in the forest in a rainy day. All the communication and transportation remain suspended in a rainy day. But suddenly there is a devastating flood in a rainy day for the torrent rain all day long. The fishermen catch fishes to throw net in the river water or canal and sell them in the local market for earning their bread and butter. A rainy is a matter of joy and happy for the school going students because all the schools remain closed in a rainy day. 

The little boys and girls make a raft and boat to use plantain trees and move here and there to use it in a rainy day. The roads are muddy and slippery in a rainy day so most of the passer – by break their legs and hands to slip on the muddy road to walk. Besides, the electricity is suspended in a rainy and all around remain under the darkness in a rainy day. Moreover, it is a matter of great regret that most of the people and animals die from the fire of strong thunder in a rainy day. The regular commodities are very high prices in the markets in a rainy day because the transportation is total disrupted in a rainy day. 

The old people passed their time to tell various kinds of stories and watching Television at their home all day long in a rainy day. The young people gather In a tea or coffee house for drink tea or coffee in a rainy day. They make merry and enjoy sitting in a coffee house. Besides, the women pass leisure time to play chess, ludo and watching drama on Television and gossiping all day long at their home. As if rainy is the matter of joy and sadness for all the animals so can be told that a rainy is dle, cloudy and gloomy day long day long in our social life.

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